I haven't been much in the blogging mood recently so I'm going to have to take a hiatus.
For those of you who might want to see what I get up to in life, you can find me at my:
I hope to come back soon! I'm so sorry ;w;
Freya x
I just can't keep up in the blogosphere right now! I'm not really that busy either so there is no excuse! I recently celebrated my 17th birthday, in which I had my good friend Brendon over for birthday fun and Chinese-style nommies. We played a lot of video games o.o
I also did a cosplay photoshoot with my friend Zoe, in my Remilia Ver.2 cosplay. I had A LOT of fun doing that and playing with different poses. I hope to have her photograph me again in my Cirno cosplay. She's a brilliant photographer and apparently, I'm very photogenic. Here's one of the shots from the shoot.
Gets + My Summer Playlist
Sunday, 1 August 2010 Crowned By Miss Freya | Labels: fashion, japfashion, musicHello! I'm back from my holiday. I forgot to post my hiatus post before I left and my grandmother doesn't have internet in her house! Lame! Actually, it was quite nice to unplug for a while and relax in the beautiful county of Surrey~
But, I did go shopping while I was away. I had some extra cash so I bought lots of lovely goodies!
I noticed lately a lot of bloggers are switching over to the DISQUS comment form. I too have jumped on the bandwagon so that I can reply to all of your lovely comments.
This also means that previous comments have been deleted =< *epicsadface*
They didn't import properly.
So if you left a comment with a question or something you wanted me to reply to, please go back and post it and I will reply very soon!
Today, I am going on a picnic with my family. This is part of our whole new "get active" thingy. (As if blogging isn't exercise enough! Haha!) I thought I'd get a little dressed up for lazing on the grass on a blanket so I did and this is what I came up with!
Popteen: August Issue + Thrifting
Thursday, 8 July 2010 Crowned By Miss Freya | Labels: japfashion, popteen, thriftingI also recommend Primark mode-gal finds! There is TONS of cheap (price-wise of course, not cheap-looking!) gal-worthy items in there. As soon as I get my paycheck, I'm going in to stock my wardrobe for the summer!
The art of thrifting - going into a charity store (thrift store) and buying something nice to make into something fabulous! Currently, this is one of my favourite things to do. I love going around all the charity stores with my mom. I've picked up loads of cute stuff from them. I recently bought a pink and white candy striped tank top and a yellow and white summer dress. Both are amazing and in such good condition! Plus, I feel super good afterwards, I've shopped lots and given money to charity. I urge you! Get out there and thrift your heart out!
Sorry for my lack of updates by the way. Again, nothing interesting to say! Plus, I was without internet for almost a week. It was so boring ><;
Decoden: The Strangely Relaxing Hobby
Saturday, 26 June 2010 Crowned By Miss Freya | Labels: deco, japfashionToday was my last day at college. I was kind of sad to leave, since it's been a big part of my life for a while and I met so many great people there. I actually cried a little while walking though the halls for the last time.
But that's not what this post is about!
I've always been fascinated by the world of deco. All the pretty and sparkly phones and handheld games consoles... *u* <3
So today, I grabbed my very boring phone, some glue, tweezers and some glittery bits and just deco'd my afternoon away. It was so relaxing, just sat there with my music on sticking on rhinestone after rhinestone.
After around 4 hours I got to a state of completion. This is the result:
I'm actually in the Apple store at the moment. Bet you thought I had an iPad! I've just seen an iPhone 4. I'm in love! That's all for now!!
I'm sorry I haven't been very active as of late, I've simply had nothing interesting to write about!
I've been so busy with college and stuff lately. Even now, I'm half preparing to leave for college while writing this post. I can't wait until I finish, which is right after I finish all of my outstanding assignments (It's not much, 5 short tasks but it's actually doing them that's the hard part!).
I'd really like to go on holiday this year, even if just inside England. I need to find a job before I think about doing that sort of stuff though. There is a cosplay holiday thing going on this year, but I won't have the money to go unless I get a job. Well, I have the money to go, just not the money to make 3 days worth of cosplay!
Speaking of cosplay, I plan to do a lot of it this summer. I'm not attending any of the summer conventions so I thought I'd host some meets and picnics this summer. I guess, to make this post a little more interesting, I'll post some of the cosplay I'm planning to do for this rest of this year.
Due to my recent discovery of being minorly allergic to plastic, I've been forced to indulge in some new earphones. I decided to have a look in Asda, since I was there food shopping anyway. I quickly found my perfect earphones. Comfortable, silicone JVC Gumys. They were on offer for 2 for £10, so I picked up a pair of funky green ones and a pair of white ones, with a special plan in mind for the white ones.
After looking though what bits I had left in my deco boxes, this is what was made out of those white earphones:
I think it's about time I posted something...
Sunday, 6 June 2010 Crowned By Miss Freya | Labels: expo, techie...Don't you?
Last weekend was London MCM Expo! I had a fantastic time, despite only going for the Saturday. There I met up with my best friend Robbie, who brought his two friends PJ and Wesley, and I also had Dave with me too (who ran off chasing cosplayers with his big camera most of the day, but I didn't mind). So, some photos!
Trendy Gals
Thursday, 27 May 2010 Crowned By Miss Freya | Labels: fashion design, summer, trendwatchingOkay, one of my favourite blogs is Mitsu's blog over at Universal Doll. I love it for checking out the latest Gal Fashion trends. One of the trends I am l-o-v-e-ing is Tie-Dye Maxi Dresses. If there is one thing that is super for the summer, it's maxi dresses. My mom and I (my mother is totally cool, she dresses like me half of the time, totally trendy.) practically lived in ours last summer. Now, the UK is apparently in for a scorcher this year. Bad news to me and my friend Robbie, because we are both sensitive to the heat. It sucks! I've got to have an electric fan glued to my face the whole summer! Haha!
Anyway, I was looking in the high street shops the other day when I came across some totally cute dresses in New Look. They are totally following the trend with these fantastic dresses.
Who's been a bad blogger?
Wednesday, 26 May 2010 Crowned By Miss Freya | Labels: college, expo, sex and the cityI have! I'm so super sorry for not posting in a few days. My internet got cut off because the bill wasn't paid D=
In my absence, I've become addicted to Sex and the City. I'm taking my mom to see the new movie next Wednesday so I thought I'd watch a bit to catch up on the story. And I can't stop watching.
I can't get over how close MCM Expo is now. I'm so super excited and my nails look so sexy painted red for my cosplay. Mmm <3
I got a letter from a college I applied to today. You may remember from this post that I already got accepted at a college but I got told I'd have to do an art course definately in order to one day do fashion design. So, I applied for another course at another college to see if I could get in. Well, as I mentioned, I got a letter from them. Unfortunately, it was to reject me from the college. It said that they had a large amount of applicants to the college and that I wasn't able to attend this year.
Now, I'm faced with a decision. I've looked at all of the other colleges in the area and there are no other courses that I'm interested in doing. Do I go and do the art course? Or do I take a gap year, get a job and apply again next year? I'd like to know what you would do! Since you guys are so awesome <3
Also, I just came across the giveaway over at "Moments like Diamonds" called the "Bad Blogger" giveaway. How fitting for this post?! So click over and join in! Awesome! The prizes are so super cute. I want them! >w<
That's me off. Enjoy the rest of your week and your weekend!
Over and out! ;D
Freya x
It's been so warm and sunny in the land of tea and crumpets these past few days! I hope my lovely British readers have been out in the sun like I have.
Yesterday I went out with my good friend Dave and ended up sitting in a park for nearly 3 hours just chatting and we bumped into my friends Zoe and Mark. It was lovely. We were discussing how I say some words differently because of my slight American accent. It ended up in us just making lots of silly noises. I also practiced my Japanese by attempting to read a copy of Newtype magazine. I could actually read some of it! やった!
I'm slowly getting used to using what Japanese I do know around my home, for more practice. For those who want to know, I'm self-learning Japanese at the moment, using a Nintendo DS software called "My Japanese Coach". It's actually very helpful! It teaches you how to form sentences and all the hiragana and katakana characters. With those, you can write pretty much any Japanese word and if you do it on a computer, normally it will correct it with the correct kanji. Take the word "hikari" for example, which means "light". Writing it in romaji would be "hikari", in hiragana it would be "ひかり", but the kanji for it is "光". Confusing, yet simple.
I also use a phrase book along side the DS software and I made some flash cards with all of the hiragana and katakana characters on them, for daily practice.
I find it easier to listen to Japanese than to read it. I'm currently listening to drama CDs, to aid my learning. I managed to pick up the CDs to one of my favourite anime called "Clannad". It's so nice but it's really sad at some points!
Anyway, I'm rambling, haha.
I hope you are all having a lovely weekend! Get out in that sunshine!!
Over and out! ;D
Freya x
Hey! What Happened To Harajuku Smoothie?! + Cosplay!
Friday, 21 May 2010 Crowned By Miss Freya | Labels: cosplay, expo, japfashion, new HSWelcome to the new facelifted HS! New layout, new topics! I'll be covering everything from my day-to-day life to cosplay to bargain JapFashion. Please, enjoy reading my blog!
I mentioned in this post my cosplay for May MCM Expo. I finally finished it! やった!
It was pretty tricky, but I got there in the end! Take a look~
P.S. Thanks to Naka from Naka's Net for letting me know about the broken code for the comment box. Just click the little speech bubble and a pop up comment box will appear! やった! やった!!
Well, technically there's 15 days but it's really not a long time until May MCM Expo! I'm so super excited!
My cosplay for this time is Remilia Scarlet from Touhou Project. I've only got one due to lack of money.
But still it's going really well!
Edit: So UK readers, are any of you going to London MCM Expo? And other readers, do you go to conventions?
Do you cosplay? Or just dress up?
Let me know in the comments!
A Quick Outfit Post
Wednesday, 5 May 2010 Crowned By Miss Freya | Labels: decora, outfit post, ReConI decided to try decora for a change, for the Tokyopop ReCon that was in town this evening. I had an amazing time and met some lovely people. I even started a Caramelldansen line! <3
Giveaway Winner + Pictures of my Desk
Monday, 3 May 2010 Crowned By Miss Freya | Labels: announcement, giveaway, new phone, picturesNow, for the moment you've all been waiting for! The winner of my first giveaway is:
Giveaway is now closed!
Saturday, 1 May 2010 Crowned By Miss Freya | Labels: cosplay, giveaway, new stuff, ReConHappy 1st of May! Which also means my giveaway is closed!
I'll pick a name and announce the results next week! Thanks to all who entered, I love you <3
In other news, I got a new phone today. it's a pink flip phone. I wanted something simple for calling and texting, since my iPod Touch does everything else. Maybe soon I'll be able to merge the two together. iPhone plx ;w;
I also got a new bag, which is cute.
Next week is Waterstone's ReCon in Southampton! I'm not sure what to wear though. My cosplay is far from being finished. Maybe decora? Who knows!
Anyway, have a good weekend everyone!
Over and out! ;D
Freya x
I'm ill DX
Anyway, I just wanted to post a quick reminder that my giveaway ends on the 1st of May! OMG!
Please, invite your friends to join! I'd love to see more ideas for a new name for my blog!
Details and prizes here
Also, a quick thanks for all of the lovely comments about my wig! You guys are so awesome <3
Over and Out ;D
Freya x
All Rolled Into One
Thursday, 15 April 2010 Crowned By Miss Freya | Labels: cosplay, giveaway, holiday, sakura, wigOk, I thought I'd just post some of the fun things that have happened lately.
I got my wig for my Remilia cosplay in the post the other day! I ordered it from a seller on eBay called WigFever and I must say, their service is amazing. I was really quite scared about ordering from them, especially because I couldn't find any reviews on the internet about them, but their feedback seemed good and the wig was cheap so I gave it a go. It is well worth the £16 I paid for it. The colour is amazing (the strands are a mix between lavender and silver), it's incredibly soft and thick, it's perfect! Here's a picture of me in the uncut and unstyled wig:
Homemade Purikura + Giveaway Time!!
Tuesday, 6 April 2010 Crowned By Miss Freya | Labels: giveaway, purikuraHello all you lovely people! And hello to my new readers too! *waves*
I don't know about you guys but I L.O.V.E Purikura! I found the site Puricute through Google and tried it. It was so much fun!!! (My username on there is Cheeeen, friend me if you like!) I haven't saved any of my photos on there yet though. Chuu~
As I was also looking around on Purikura stuff, I found this lovely set of Photoshop brushes that even work in CS4! Awesome! So I played around with it and this is the result!
I had a question about multiple names so I'll just throw this in: You may give a few names that you'd like but it will only count as 1 entry! Multiple names don't count for extra entries! Gomen~ !