So I got into that fashion course at college on the condition that I improve my drawing.
Here's where you will get to see just how much I improved in the last week:
The one on the left is the first drawing I did of the design. It's very cartoony and unrealistic. The one on the right, however, is more realistic and drawn on a "fashion figure" which I learned to draw from this video. A cute and simple dress for any day which I plan to make in the following colours:
Black x White
Pink x White
Lilac x White
Here are a few more designs I've done using the same "fashion figure".
(Left) I've actually already made this skirt, out of this fabric which is available at FabricLand for £2.49 per metre.
(Right) This sundress is one of my more simple designs with the top lined with small silver rhinestones as shown. It will be made in pastel pink and yellow with the bow being the alternate colour (pink bow on yellow dress etc.)So, I'd really like to know what you think! Also, please let me know if you have any ideas. I'd love to hear them and maybe I'll draw them up. Most of my designs will be made at some point and I'm thinking of designing something for a giveaway! Made to your measurements!! Exciting!
Criticism is welcome, don't be shy. If you think something should be added, changed or taken away, please do say so.
Have a lovely weekend my friends!
Princess Freya x