A small update~

Wednesday, 23 June 2010 |

I'm sorry I haven't been very active as of late, I've simply had nothing interesting to write about!
I've been so busy with college and stuff lately. Even now, I'm half preparing to leave for college while writing this post. I can't wait until I finish, which is right after I finish all of my outstanding assignments (It's not much, 5 short tasks but it's actually doing them that's the hard part!).

I'd really like to go on holiday this year, even if just inside England. I need to find a job before I think about doing that sort of stuff though. There is a cosplay holiday thing going on this year, but I won't have the money to go unless I get a job. Well, I have the money to go, just not the money to make 3 days worth of cosplay!

Speaking of cosplay, I plan to do a lot of it this summer. I'm not attending any of the summer conventions so I thought I'd host some meets and picnics this summer. I guess, to make this post a little more interesting, I'll post some of the cosplay I'm planning to do for this rest of this year.

Cirno - Summer Kimono Version

Cirno - Normal Version

Ponyo - Human Version

Tsukasa Hiiragi - Summer Uniform Version

Rin Kagamine - Cendrillon Version

Rin Kagamine  - Normal Version

So there's my cosplay line up. Quite an expensive lot, but somehow I'll do them all.
Time to head off to college now. I'll try and write something interesting next time!

Over and out! ;D
Freya x

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