This edition is all about, you guessed it, COSPLAY!
In Reply To: In Defence Of Princesses
Tuesday, 26 January 2010 Crowned By Miss Freya | Labels: lolita charm, princessIf you are a follower of the lovely Lolita Charm, you may have read Miss Victoria’s recent post “In Defence of Princesses”. (If you haven’t, I command you to read it.) First of all, I’d just like to say, that post brought a tear to my eye. I believe, as probably the most famous princess quote says, that all girls are princesses. Each princess has her own story and no matter how tragic or sad that story may be, every single one of them deserves a happy ending.
Today, I’m going to talk to you about my story. As a young girl, I never dreamed of being a princess. I was a tomboy and loved to wonder around in ripped jeans and climb on trees. I moved around a lot and never really had a permanent place to call my castle. I moved from the Queen’s Kingdom of Great Britain over to the vast kingdom of the United States. Even there I moved houses from Michigan to Alaska and around Alaska.
But going back even farther, to the days I cannot remember, I was a young princess. I was always dressed in elegant, handmade dresses, but I was covered in bumps and bruises (I’m still very clumsy). It wasn’t until recently that I dubbed myself a princess and donned the tiara to show it. I did have a princess bedroom, though it was shared with my younger sister and was taken away from me when my mother left my father. I suppose I’m filling the void with making my room an elegant hideaway for myself in the near future and wearing beautiful and expensive dresses smothered in lace.
Living with my father was rough; we didn’t have much money so nice clothing was out of the question. I did have a cute pair of jeans, however, that was bought for me as a gift. They had butterfly lace on them :3
But now I live with my mother and I’ve actually learned how to sew, I can make wonderful and beautiful clothing for myself. Now, I truly am a princess.
I’d like to say a huge thank you to Miss Victoria Suzanne for making me realise it’s ok to be an elegant lady even if others around me don’t accept it. I certainly do believe that we are all princesses.
I don’t live in a castle.
I don’t have a lot of money.
I don’t own expensive diamonds.
I won’t marry a real prince.
But I’m still a princess, all girls are.
This Recipe Calls For A Dash Of Magic
Monday, 25 January 2010 Crowned By Miss Freya | Labels: cosplay, cupcakes, dave, rocky horror, weekendBring On The Weekend
Thursday, 21 January 2010 Crowned By Miss Freya | Labels: Avatar, baking, dave, love, owl city, SAS, weekendI've got a good weekend planned this week. Perhaps I'll cheer me up a bit, I haven't been feeling myself recently.
- A short game review on Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
- Posts on 2 new dresses
- How To Live Like A Princess (a 3 part series)
- Princess Freya's Top 10 Must See Animes
- A few tutorials
Roasty Toasty Royalty
Sunday, 10 January 2010 Crowned By Miss Freya | Labels: lolita, lolita charm, princess, slippers, snow, top tips, warmAfter reading Lolita Charm's January Style Tips, I decided I'd post some tips of my own to keep my fellow British Princesses warm and cosy in the sudden chill.

Meme Time + Discussion of her Dream Prince
Friday, 8 January 2010 Crowned By Miss Freya | Labels: BABY, boys, Kanon Wakeshima, lolita, lolita meme, perfect prince, princessA Lolita Meme, taken from Makelovely's Blog, who stole it from F*** Yeah Lolita.
- Someone who will be there for me when I need them the most BUT not drop everything just for my sake.
- Someone who will love me even when I'm covered in lace and frills and won't be embrassed to walk by my side.
- Someone who will surprise me with things I like BUT not spoil me.
- Someone who will realise it take a long time to make myself up in the morning so they might drop a compliment or two through the day BUT will criticize me when I look terrible.
- Someone who realises that fashion is my life and I will spend a lot of time at the sewing machine... maybe even when they're around.
There are also lights on the wall which will frame my mirror when I get one. Above that is a shelf with my figures on it. My chair is pink and fluffy. I will have pink curtains and a new bedside table. The plan is to make it as princessy as possible with on my budget.
What I'm Currently Working On
Crowned By Miss Freya | Labels: crafts, cupcakes, fanplusfriend, lolita, project, teacups, tutorialThis JSK is one that is available from FanPlusFriend, priced $116.

Blah Blah Blah
Crowned By Miss Freya | Labels: alice in wonderland, bedroom, mikey, princess, tv movie"If you see me as just a princess then you misunderstand who I am and what I've been though." - Mariah Carey
Christmas Haul!
Friday, 1 January 2010 Crowned By Miss Freya | Labels: Christmas, Dance Machines, dave, flickr, lolita, new phone, new year, project 365My ring from Mikey. It has pink mother of pearl in the middle.
A Hello Kitty digital camera that I'll use for trips and events.
It has a Hello Kitty Mp3 player inside it but it doesn't work anymore.Earrings from my Dad. They're from Tiffany, New York. They say "Please Return to Tiffany&Co, New Yeak [826]"
A new compact mirror with gems on it. I love this so much
A big photo of stuff. A few pairs of earrings, some pearl hair clips, peticure kit, markers, scarf and glove set, a mug, a ring from Mikey, nail varish, a big jawbreaker and chocolates.
A close up of my pearl hair clips.
I got a lot of nice stuff for Christmas, including a new phone (LG KP501 "Cookie"), and had a lovely day with my family.
I also saw my friend Dave the day after Boxing Day. :3
We had a lovely day together, went for lunch, a walk in the park, had a few games on the dance machine and enjoyed some yummy hot milkshakes from Shakeaway. I really enjoyed it and I hope he comes around again soon. <3
Dave's Flickr
And finally New Years came around. We spent it with some friends, had nibbles and I took a walk in the dark to work it off. We stayed up until midnight drinking and playing Buzz TV Quiz then Mikey rang and we saw the New Year in together.
Akemashite Omedeto!
New Years Resolutions:
- To keep up with my project, Project 365
- To save up enough money for a new camera
- To buy at least one brand lolita dress
- To lose enough to fit into my one brand lolita dress
I hope everyone had a brilliant Christmas and have a fun and memorable 2010!
Love Love,