What I'm Currently Working On: Part 2

Thursday, 7 January 2010 |

Photo from Google Images
Project 2: Bedroom Design!
I recently moved the bunk bed I had in my room into my sibling's room in exchange for a single wooden bed. (I have thought about painting it white...) Over this I will put a canopy (white with rhinestones) that will open in the middle to reveal pink bedsheets with white lacy pillows. In the corner, I have a desk that I have set up to be my dressing table. On it I have:
  • My dressing table set (featured in this blog)
  • A small box with a butterfly on it with earrings in
  • A silver clam shell box with odd jewellery bits in it
  • 2 Nail Polishes, clear and pink
  • A jewellery stand
  • A framed fan
  • Facial care products
  • A tube of lavender clay face mask
  • Body Spray
  • A pull out shelf with my favourite necklaces and hair accessories on it
  • My makeup
There are also lights on the wall which will frame my mirror when I get one. Above that is a shelf with my figures on it. My chair is pink and fluffy. I will have pink curtains and a new bedside table. The plan is to make it as princessy as possible with on my budget.

I didn't have a princess room when I was little so I'm having one now ^^

Project explanation complete! On to the next one...

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