Hello everyone! *hugs all* I've missed you so much!
The reason for my strange lack of posts this time is that I just haven't had anything to write about!
Now, I don't know how many of you read out there, like books-wise, but I thought I'd share my current read with you. One of my favourite authors of all time is Belinda Jones. I've previously read her book "Divas Las Vegas" and it was so fun! I loved it so much, I've read it twice! So I went on a search for more and picked up "The California Club" and "Cafe Tropicana" at a charity shop. I'm currently plowing through The California Club and it is a really great read. I might even post a review if you're interested.
On to the next topic...
Although I do love lolita fashion bunches, I've kind of discovered my own fashion through it. It's kind of a mix of lolita and decora with a pair of jeans (at least, right now it is as it's still a bit cold here). So I might start posting a lot more on my own little fashion on here for you guys to enjoy. For now, here is a picture of my newly dyed red hair with a super cute hairband!
Bits and Bobs + Moments Like Diamonds Giveaway
Monday, 22 March 2010 Crowned By Miss Freya | Labels: bowling, dave, giveaway, hair dyeHey everyone! It's been a while!
I hope you all had a fab weekend, I know I did. I bought myself an iPod Touch, aren't I lovely?
I also had a barbeque and went late night bowling til almost 1am! O__O
And I dyed my hair. It's red for a little while now. Not sure what colour to go next. I really want to do light purple ;w;
Quick post about a fab giveaway over at Moments Like Diamonds, which is a fantastic blog by the way. The theme is Relaxing Bath Day and you can find all the information about it and joining in here.
Congrats to Sara on 225+ followers!
I'll do a proper blog soon, I promise!!
Have a great week!
Princess Freya x
Lucky Day!
Wednesday, 17 March 2010 Crowned By Miss Freya | Labels: cosplay, hello kitty, lucky, money, shoppingI've finally been paid! A nice wad of cash was transferred into my account this morning, a lovely £269! What did I do first? Shop, of course! I bought myself a new Hello Kitty duvet cover, a handful of new hair accessories, a new lampshade, some new make up and a pink watering can! I'm lucky to have a room that gets a considerable amount of sunlight so what better to do then brighten up my room with a flower growing on the windowsill? With the rest of the money, I'm going to buy fabric for my Remilia and Reimu cosplays and some to make a new JSK :D And if I have enough left over, an iPod Touch!! YAY!
Also, I found my favourite ring! It was given to me by Mikey for Christmas and I'd lost it about 2 months ago. But it's back on my finger where it belongs and it's never coming off again.
I certainly hope everyone else is having a lovely day and is looking forward to the weekend!
Princess Freya x
That's right, Princess Freya saw Alice In Wonderland.
And was VERY disappointed.
I'm not going to go into great detail as to why I was disappointed, because it would make this post very long. So I'll just touch on some of the things that made it a bad experience for me.
- When Alice says "Curiouser and curiouser...", for some reason, I cringed. Almost as if it was painful to hear the quote from the book being placed in what I knew would be a bad adaptation of said book.
- There weren't any riddles! It was very straightforward. As Alice rightly pointed out in the movie, she had been told to do everything and that sort of carried on throughout the movie, even after she stated that.
- The Mad Hatter was quite as mad as I expected. And seemed to almost have fallen in love with Alice at the end. NO
- And what was with the Hatter's accent change every 10 seconds?
- The place Alice visited in this movie was referred to as "Underland"... why wasn't the movie called "Alice In Underland"? (Perhaps that would have killed all of the confusion and it would have stood out as it's own original story, like it pretty much was anyway.)
- The dog. What the heck was he there for? (The same could be said for the Red Queen's "right hand man" (put in quotes because of the irony that he always kissed her right hand) why was he there?)
Fashion Design!
Friday, 12 March 2010 Crowned By Miss Freya | Labels: college, fashion design, sketchesSo I got into that fashion course at college on the condition that I improve my drawing.
Here's where you will get to see just how much I improved in the last week:

So, I'd really like to know what you think! Also, please let me know if you have any ideas. I'd love to hear them and maybe I'll draw them up. Most of my designs will be made at some point and I'm thinking of designing something for a giveaway! Made to your measurements!! Exciting!
Criticism is welcome, don't be shy. If you think something should be added, changed or taken away, please do say so.
Have a lovely weekend my friends!
Princess Freya x
My Super Cute Giveaway Prize! + Fashion Design!
Wednesday, 10 March 2010 Crowned By Miss Freya | Labels: college, fashion design, giveawayAs some of you may or may not know, I won first place on Naka's Net's New Year Giveaway! Yay!
I really didn't mind what prize I got but I'm super happy with my new stuffs, especially the super cute bag! I have much love for Miss Naka's blogs.
And you may know already but I applied for a Fashion Design course at a college near me. At first they told me my drawing skills weren't very good and that I need to practice so they suggested an art course for me. But nope, I don't want to waste a year doing something I could learn in a few weeks so I've got until August to improve my drawing. Then I can go back and show them and maybe they'll let me in.
I'll post some pictures very soon of some of my designs and I'd really like to know what you think of them. So please, check back for them!
As always, have a great week! And look forward to the weekend, woot!
Princess Freya x
Just a quick post to let you all know about this fantastic giveaway.
Lolita Charm has teamed up with The Mouse Market to bring you a totally unique prize!
Pictures and more information about the giveaway can be found here and I strongly encourage you take a look at some of her other posts! Follow her!!
I'll be checking out The Mouse Market's Etsy shop as well. If I buy anything I'll be sure to post a review!
So check that out princes and princesses!
Princess Freya x
I got my hair cut yesterday! My mom did it for me, since it was such an easy job. I had her do a hime cut for me. I have to say, I was scared at first that having the full fringe/bangs wouldn't suit me but I really like them! It feels weird though, almost like my headband has just slipped off of my head. But I'm sure I'll get used to it.