My Super Cute Giveaway Prize! + Fashion Design!

Wednesday, 10 March 2010 |

As some of you may or may not know, I won first place on Naka's Net's New Year Giveaway! Yay!
I really didn't mind what prize I got but I'm super happy with my new stuffs, especially the super cute bag! I have much love for Miss Naka's blogs.

My super cute bag (KYAAAAA >w<), Hello Kitty Lip Gloss, Jemma Kidd lip gloss, Maybelline eyeshadows, kawaii bear socks and star buttons :3

I'm using that bag for everything from now on, I love it so much. 
Thank you Miss Naka for holding such an incredible giveaway and for the fantastic prizes!

And you may know already but I applied for a Fashion Design course at a college near me. At first they told me my drawing skills weren't very good and that I need to practice so they suggested an art course for me. But nope, I don't want to waste a year doing something I could learn in a few weeks so I've got until August to improve my drawing. Then I can go back and show them and maybe they'll let me in.
I'll post some pictures very soon of some of my designs and I'd really like to know what you think of them. So please, check back for them!
As always, have a great week! And look forward to the weekend, woot!

Princess Freya x

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