The DSi was a failure... GIVE IT UP NINTENDO!
Today on was the (sad, sad) annoucement of the new DSi LL, due to be released in Japan on November 21st. Europe won't get it until April ~ May 2010 (thank god -_-;) It will weigh EXACTLY 100g more than the DSi and 96g more than the DS Lite (I didn't actually know the DS Lite weighed more...) I think the only good thing is that the screen is bigger and probably a faster CPU for better graphics on games.
My little DS Lite is just right for me, only it lags a little when I play fast paced games like Rhythm Paradise, Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, Cooking Mama 2 and even Nintendogs. But it's nice and light, a good size screen, compact and it's pink ^^
I'm sick of Nintendo's unneccessary upgrades to their products. They should have left the DS as it was when they made the DS Lite. God help us if they decide to make a new Wii console... -_-;
FFS, I just sat down to type and the bloody Xbox finished copying.
I give up.
Love Love,
Otaku Frilly Babe
Tuesday, 27 October 2009 Crowned By Miss Freya | Labels: anime, expo, lolita, miku, picturesOtaku Frilly Babe

I don't know...
So yea, I just thought I'd let you all know that I am alive and stuff.
Nothing good has happened. Except I got a new figure. More on that later.
Love Love,
On The Ferry Home...
I haven't posted like all weekend ^^;
That's because I was at Nik's this weekend. And now I'm on the ferry home. I'm really tired and bored and I'm upset that I had to leave. But it's Riku's birthday today ^^ That's my cat. He's 1 year old today. Bless his little fuzzy socks.
But yea, fairly busy weekend. Me and Nik went into Ryde yesterday for a day out. We were going to see Toy Story in 3D but it wasn't on ! So we just went out for a day out instead.
Friday it was Annie's birthday, so we did Annie's birthday stuff. Me and Nik had to like, follow her around that evening cause she went out with her friends. They had alcohol and her mom was worried so we had to spy on her. I hate being busy.
I'm like really really tired. I didn't want to go home yet though, I was having fun being with Nik again.
But yea, I be off. Too bored to write.
Love Love,
Wet but still sparkly!
Wednesday, 7 October 2009 Crowned By Miss Freya | Labels: Christmas, lolita, rainy, shopping, SickForCuteWet but Still Sparkly!
It's been awfully rainy lately =( Where did you go Mr.Sun?
I made a new headband today. I'll update with pictures later. It was based off of a headband that can be bought from SickForCute, called the Hair Candy Headband.
There is some adorable stuff on that website. I'm gunna ask my mom for some of the stuff in the sale for Christmas.
This site was reviewed by: Megan @ Check out her blog for more lovely lolita goodies. She's got some super cute stuff on there!
I'm so tired. It's cold outside too. Good thing I only have 2 more hours of this torture then I can go home and make more lovely lolita accessories. =D
Wow, a lot of lolita babble today.
Love Love,
Blog Updates!
Sunday, 4 October 2009 Crowned By Miss Freya | Labels: blog, cosplay, figure, mikey, miku, MinamiCon, miyuki, weekendBlog Updates!
RAWR - from Mikey
Well, I've had Mikey over for the weekend. It's been really fun ^^ I'm gunna miss having him around to hang out with ;w; But he'll be back at half term so that'll be fun ^^
Tonight, I'm going over to Miku-chan's to finally register for MinamiCon with him. We're just going to hang out and chill tonight. Ah, relaxation!
Oh yes, nearly forgot. I updated both of my other blogs. with a few cosplay updates and a picture of our finished commission.
and with a review on my newly obtained Miyuki Takara Figma. And pictures ^^
Have fun viewing them!
Love Love,
MinamiCon Registration Delay + Still sick
Friday, 2 October 2009 Crowned By Miss Freya | Labels: ANGER, box, MinamiCon, sick, waiting suxMinamiCon Registration Delay + Still Sick
I waited up until midnight for registration for MinamiCon to open. I had to get up at 6:30 this morning! But I waited... and waited... and waited... refreshing the main page every minute. I checked on the foruma and joined in the rant topic about it.
And then, I refreshed that page one last time. And a article was posted explaining the delay and telling all of us who have been waiting since 10pm that they were delaying registration until the 4th at 9pm. I was NOT happy.
In other news, I'm still ill.
I walked my little brother and sister to school today and I nearly fainting on the way back because my chest was so tight I couldn't breathe. I'm still having problems now.
*looks at the mysterious box on the coffee table* I really really wanna know what is in there...