As Promised!

Saturday, 27 February 2010 |

Happy Weekend Princes and Princesses!

I've been giving this giveaway thing a lot of thought and am coming up with some great prize ideas. Of course, they will only be small bits, mostly handmade, but cute bits!
I'll post up more on that in a few weeks. Please, look forward to it!

I quickly wanted to share some really great stuff available at Claire's Accessories at the moment. As everyone knows, the new Alice in Wonderland movie is out soon and designers are attacking it from all corners with delightful tea sets, shoes, necklaces and other cute pieces
Claire's has released their take on the movie with their "Alice In Fashionland" line. Cheesy name, but some really cute stuff!

And that's not all (but I can't find pictures of the rest!)
There are so many cute bits to pick up, including some non-Alice themed stuff like hair clips with bows, ponies and crowns on them!
I have to say, I love Claire's lots for Lolita accessories. They aren't cheap but the stuff you get in the there is totally adorable!

Gah, I can't think of anything else to write now. Lots of lolita babble :3
I've been losing a bit of weight recently. Stopped drinking lots of fizzy drinks (I was a Cola addict for a while) and got some yummy squash drinks (You know, the ones you dilute with water?) and they are really helping! I've also taken to playing on my dance mat a lot. I love it! It's a great way to exercise. I want to get one of those hard plastic ones though. I hate it when my soft mat slips around underneath me, causing me to miss the steps. >_<
Don't forget to comment your feedback on what you like to hear the most on my blog. I'd really like to know what you think!

Stay poofy my friends!

Princess Freya x

There is No Reason For...

Friday, 26 February 2010 |

... this strange lack of posts lately. I've had this silly cold for the past week, and I've got nothing planned for the weekend. I should be back tomorrow with a new post about my weekend last week and with a few random bits about lolita and stuff. 

Question for my readers!

What do you enjoy reading about the most on my blog? Just write a comment and let me know. I like to hear your feedback!

Also, if you're a fan of anime and lovely calm piano music, you should check out the Kanon Air Piano Arrange album. It's on Youtube :3 
My favourite songs from it are "Promise" and "Natsukage". Check it out if that's your kind of stuff :3

I miss you all!
Princess Freya x

Naka's Net New Year Giveaway

Thursday, 18 February 2010 |

Just a quick post about Naka's Net New Year Giveaway !
The prizes are so cute, I wouldn't mind what place I come in (if I do that is!)
Click that link there for more info and join yourself!

Giveaways are fun aren't they? 
Maybe I should hold one. I hear they are great for attracting people to your blog. I'll look around next week for possible prizes and make up some designs! 
I'm also thinking of having a custom fabric made with a cute print on the bottom. Costs a bit though. 

Anyway, go check out Naka's Net, it's a fantastic blog and that giveaway is so awesome! 

Princess Freya x

The Beautiful Heart Award!

Monday, 15 February 2010 |

First, I'd just like to announce that I've changed operating systems. I'm now a Mac user with a reason to go in the Apple Store everytime I'm in town! Haha

Next, I've been tagged by the wonderful Sara over at Moments Like Diamonds to take part in the Beautiful Heart Award! My first tag, yays!

1. List 4 things that keep your inner self beautiful.
2. List 4 things that keep you physically beautiful.
3. Tell us about a precious memory you keep close to your heart. [Optional]
4. Share this award with 5 other people that you think have a beautiful heart too.
5. Link the blogs of the people you chose and link the person's blog who awarded you.
6. Have fun!

4 things that keep my inner self beautiful
My friends
Twitter (helps me share my thoughts)
Fashion Design

4 things that keep me physically beautiful
My makeup and beauty supplies
My mom (she encourages me to be more healthy)
Dance Machines
Cosplay (makes me want to look good to pull off a cosplay better)

A memory I keep close to my heart
I suppose I'll take this chance to share the best Valentine's Day I ever had.
Yesterday, I spent the day with Dave, who I made chocolates for and received some in return. We went into town for the Chinese New Year festival, which included fair ground rides, stalls and a parade with dragons. We wondered up the high street, looking at all the nice stuff in the stalls, got a drink at Starbucks and waited for the parade to start. We then wandered back down the high street to where the rides were and went on one called Froggit, which was lots of fun. Met up with a few of my college buddies and chatted for a bit, then headed over to the arcade as it had started to rain. Had 4 rounds on the dance machine, I was in a hyper mood and having so much fun dancing with him, then went to the Apple Store (We love Apple products), had a drink at Costa then went back to his car. Then we went over to Eastleigh to have dinner at Frankie & Benny's, we shared a pizza, then had some desserts and chatted away. We then came back to my house and chatted some more about my Mac, he showed me some cool apps, then he left and I was sad. It was so much fun!

I'll be tagging:
Caro-Chan from F*** Yeah Lolita
Mikey from RAWR HEHE
Rozu Rose from Rule Of Rose
Ra from Gothic Lolita Sewing and Other Amusements
Victoria from Lolita Charm

Although, needless to say, you all have Beautiful Hearts. I hope you all had a wonderful Valentine's Day! No "Princess on a Budget" this week, I've got Mikey over for the week. Sorry ^^;

Princess Freya x

Hikki - In The Flesh! + Making Your First Concert A Good One

Friday, 12 February 2010 |

Photo by Princess Freya

This was the view I had pretty throughout the whole concert. I was like, in the middle of the room. But that there is Utada Hikaru, in person. I'm lucky to even have this photo. I actually took it on my phone. But anyway.
The concert was brilliant, better than I expected. The lighting was amazingly done, the band sounded brilliant and she was just beautiful. She made me cry when she sang Sakura Drops and First Love. I hated the fact that I am short and couldn't see well, my feet were aching from walking around all day and I was sandwiched between a really tall guy and a Japanese guy who WOULD NOT stop pushing me and was sweating like a pig. Sure, it was hot in that tiny room full of about 800 people but he should have taken off his massive jacket. Urgh. 
So, some tips for concerts are in order I think. This was my first concert and it's a shame I had complications so let's avoid that.

Tips for making your first concert a good one:
- Remember the fact that there is no such thing as personal space at these things.
- Bring deodorant, you will get sweaty.
- Drink plenty of water beforehand, some concerts don't allow outside drinks.
- Go to the toilet beforehand as well, you'll never get your place back if you leave during the show.
- If you're short and you want a good view, wear some comfortable heels. People behind you may get pissed off but...
- ...No one cares if you can't see! Everyone wants the best view of the performer so if you're short or waaaaaaaay at the back, no one cares. 
- Some venues don't allow photography, so don't bother taking a camera with you. Instead, if chances are you can take photos, take photos on your mobile phone. The quality might not be amazing but at least you have the photo as a memory.
- Make sure you plan your night. Leave time before to get a drink and PLENTY of time after to travel home. 
- Camping before the show? Invest in thermal clothing like underwear. It may not be sexy or stylish, but it'll keep you warm. It can get cold at night, even in the summer. 
- Dehydration is terrible and can cause headaches and nausea. Bring enough money to pick up a bottle of water or two after the show, because you'll be doing a lot of cheering (and sometimes singing!) 

I guess that's it. Just be safe, ok?

I hope you all have a good weekend and an amazing Valentine's Day.

Princess Freya x

Nails, Nails, Nails!

Tuesday, 2 February 2010 |

Photo from Google Images

God, I looooooove cute nails. I've started growing out my nails for this exact reason. I want deco nails! But I don't know where to get the wax bows or teeny tiny rhinestones from. Any ideas guys?

See you next week!

Princess Freya x