Happy Weekend Princes and Princesses!
I've been giving this giveaway thing a lot of thought and am coming up with some great prize ideas. Of course, they will only be small bits, mostly handmade, but cute bits!
I'll post up more on that in a few weeks. Please, look forward to it!
I quickly wanted to share some really great stuff available at Claire's Accessories at the moment. As everyone knows, the new Alice in Wonderland movie is out soon and designers are attacking it from all corners with delightful tea sets, shoes, necklaces and other cute pieces
Claire's has released their take on the movie with their "Alice In Fashionland" line. Cheesy name, but some really cute stuff!
And that's not all (but I can't find pictures of the rest!)
There are so many cute bits to pick up, including some non-Alice themed stuff like hair clips with bows, ponies and crowns on them!
I have to say, I love Claire's lots for Lolita accessories. They aren't cheap but the stuff you get in the there is totally adorable!
Gah, I can't think of anything else to write now. Lots of lolita babble :3
I've been losing a bit of weight recently. Stopped drinking lots of fizzy drinks (I was a Cola addict for a while) and got some yummy squash drinks (You know, the ones you dilute with water?) and they are really helping! I've also taken to playing on my dance mat a lot. I love it! It's a great way to exercise. I want to get one of those hard plastic ones though. I hate it when my soft mat slips around underneath me, causing me to miss the steps. >_<
Don't forget to comment your feedback on what you like to hear the most on my blog. I'd really like to know what you think!
Stay poofy my friends!
Princess Freya x