Photo by Princess Freya
This was the view I had pretty throughout the whole concert. I was like, in the middle of the room. But that there is Utada Hikaru, in person. I'm lucky to even have this photo. I actually took it on my phone. But anyway.
The concert was brilliant, better than I expected. The lighting was amazingly done, the band sounded brilliant and she was just beautiful. She made me cry when she sang Sakura Drops and First Love. I hated the fact that I am short and couldn't see well, my feet were aching from walking around all day and I was sandwiched between a really tall guy and a Japanese guy who WOULD NOT stop pushing me and was sweating like a pig. Sure, it was hot in that tiny room full of about 800 people but he should have taken off his massive jacket. Urgh.
So, some tips for concerts are in order I think. This was my first concert and it's a shame I had complications so let's avoid that.
Tips for making your first concert a good one:
- Remember the fact that there is no such thing as personal space at these things.
- Bring deodorant, you will get sweaty.
- Drink plenty of water beforehand, some concerts don't allow outside drinks.
- Go to the toilet beforehand as well, you'll never get your place back if you leave during the show.
- If you're short and you want a good view, wear some comfortable heels. People behind you may get pissed off but...
- ...No one cares if you can't see! Everyone wants the best view of the performer so if you're short or waaaaaaaay at the back, no one cares.
- Some venues don't allow photography, so don't bother taking a camera with you. Instead, if chances are you can take photos, take photos on your mobile phone. The quality might not be amazing but at least you have the photo as a memory.
- Make sure you plan your night. Leave time before to get a drink and PLENTY of time after to travel home.
- Camping before the show? Invest in thermal clothing like underwear. It may not be sexy or stylish, but it'll keep you warm. It can get cold at night, even in the summer.
- Dehydration is terrible and can cause headaches and nausea. Bring enough money to pick up a bottle of water or two after the show, because you'll be doing a lot of cheering (and sometimes singing!)
I guess that's it. Just be safe, ok?
I hope you all have a good weekend and an amazing Valentine's Day.
Princess Freya x